Todd leaves tonight. He's going up north with Jerry to do some side work (plumbing). Todd owe's him a favor. He should be home tomorrow night. I hate it when he's gone. I don't sleep well. Not that I can't sleep without him, I worry too much. Too many bad things happening in the world today.
I'm babysitting today and thought while the kids were down for a nap I would get some LO's uploaded and update my blog a little.
Not too much has been going on here. I did finally talk Jeremy into getting his hair cut. He was getting tired of it anyways. It's just too thick to let it grow long. He wanted to let it grow out over the summer but I convinced him to wait until it got colder, thinking he would change his mind, not! I have a before picture but haven't taken an after yet. He got about 5 inches cut off. It filled the ladies dust pan.

He says it feels so much better now. He looks so much better with short hair,too.
We also celebrated his 12th birthday on the 15th and my 35th on the 14th. Where's the time gone. I feel so old.

He's hair wasn't combed well.

I took Zoie to the Mall a few weeks ago and I let her ride the carousel. But other than that We haven't done much since my last post. She's been to her playgroup. I still babysit every friday. Other than that we lead a pretty boring life. :) Oh I did take or should I say I tried to take some professional looking photo's of my cousin's little girl. There's so much I need to learn.
She seems to be a very happy baby. Ain't she a cutie! She's 5 1/2 months old.
Well the kids are getting up and I need to get something ready for lunch. Plus my battery is getting really low.
Take Care! TTYL