Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Time for an update

Wow, I got on here and noticed I haven't blogged in over a week. I've been busy trying to get things ready for our trip. Just a few more days and we are leaving for Disney World.
Last night was Open House. The teachers just wanted to meet up with the parents and explain how they run their classrooms with homework, tests, rules and what they expect from the kids. It was a hour and a half of heat. I talked to them to see about getting Jeremy's homework together so he can work on it when we get home. He was ticked off that he is going to miss the first field trip. They are going to Cahokia Mounds. But he's been there before and he'll be having more fun at Disney World !
We finally got some stairs on the deck. We moved them from the left side to the right. And the roof is all done. Todd got a covered roof put over the deck. It's really nice. Now we can sit outside out of the sun and I can stay dry when I bbq.
Well dinner is not going to cook itself. Just wanted to do a little update.
Take Care and I'll 'see' ya when I get back.