Well it started Saturday when I found someones cell phone about 30 ft into my yard while I was backing up out of the driveway. I was on my way to Kohl's to get some shirts for the kids. I noticed that there was a Cingular store (phone brand) so I stopped by to see if they could find out who's phone it was. The phone was dead of course or I could of got that info myself but luckily there was a sim card so the guy put it in a working phone. Left a message on someones phone. He wouldn't give me any info because I could be a crazy person for all he knew. I got a call yesterday from the owner and she told me that she was out running about 2 weeks ago and heard her phone fall but couldn't find it. The weird thing you probably are wondering is that she lost it about 2 miles from me. She wasn't even close to being on my street. Someone, I guess, found it and while driving by my house threw it in my yard. She was really glad it was returned and offered me a little reward, but I refused it. Not like I couldn't of used it, but that wasn't the reason for trying to find the owner. I just hope that someone will return the favor if I should ever lose something important.
And on Sunday one of Todd's buddies stopped by to drop off something he borrowed. As he was leaving I noticed something curled in a ball behind on of my bushes in the front. It was pretty windy and cold. Well it was a CHICKEN. Where it came from I don't know. There's a few farms near by but the chicken would have had to walk a long way. Probably got lost in the extremely windy wind that night. I remember my neighbor saying the neighbor that lives in the house way behind us had tons of animals. So I boxed the chicken up and drive down their lane to see if they had chickens and if any were missing. Nope it wasn't theirs but he was willing to take it. I couldn't keep it and I didn't want to stress out the poor thing going door to door trying to find it's owner. They probably don't miss it because no one has come by asking about it. Haven't seen any lost posters put up either. LOL, just kidding. That would be funny though.
That was the most excitement me and the kids had in awhile. They enjoyed looking at the chicken. Zoie got upset that we couldn't keep it. Heck we let her talk us into taking in the stray cat the neighbors cat brought home. We keep her outside but Todd made her a box and I found an old blanket to put in there. Went to the store, bought some food and a toy. The kids call her Princess. She is a cutie and a really friendly cat. She's been hanging around for a few months already. She knows she's home now. Here's a pic of her.
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