Well after talking if over with Todd, he gave me the ok to get a new camera. I got the Nikon d40x and I totally love it. It takes such amazing photos. Here's one of my favorite pics.
I've got so much to learn though.
Jeremy left for his dad's for the summer. So for the last couple of days he had play dates with two of his friends. I showed him how to connect his Nintendo DS to the internet so he can talk over it with his friends while he is away. You have to have certain games in order for it to work. He does it through his Poke'mon game. Things will be a little quiet around here w/out all the fighting between him and Zoie. They fight all the time, well I can't say ALL the time. They do sleep... he he She just likes to be around him too much and he gets aggravated. It's just me and her during the day and when either Jeremy or Todd comes home she is all over them.
Time for Zoie's nap now. Maybe I might take one too.
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