Monday night Jeremy got really sick, throwing up and all. Tuesday he threw up in the morning, was running a little fever and had some leg cramps. I thought that was really weird. I had to call my Aunt to talk to her about something and my Uncle answers the phone and tells me she's in bed really sick too. Well, Sunday was my cousins graduation party, so I thought Jeremy may have picked up something from there. He did, so did half the people there. Food Poisoning!!! I talked to my brother, him and his wife got sick. One of my cousins had to go to the hospital because he was having problems at both ends and the doctors suspected food poisoning, because it happened so fast and violently. It affected everyone differently, some just threw up, some had diarrhea and for the unfortunate ones they had both. After talking to a few people asking what they ate, some ate the same stuff, some ate different but what we all had in common was the sub sandwiches. I didn't throw up but my stomach was turning all day Monday. Todd was lucky enough to have other plans helping his friend with some things. And I'm so glad Zoie was being her stubborn self and wouldn't eat. Jeremy and I felt better yesterday but we took it easy and didn't go anywhere.
I put in my first submission for a Guest CT (creative team) call for July. Heather Roselli gave everyone a free kit, which was so cool. If you get picked you get free kits and have to create a "X" amount of lo's using her kits and posting them to a few different web sites to promote her work. It's like doing a little advertising. Here's my LO.

ugh, food poisoning, so not fun! glad you guys are recovering and it wasn't too serious.
Cute blog header! saw your siggy at TDC and decided to check it out.
Good luck with Heather's call, your LO is very cute!
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