Zoie was really excited to see the Easter Bunny stopped by. She got a Diego stuffed doll, Charlotte's Webb DVD and some candy. Jeremy got some money. He's getting to the age where he's growning out of the make believe stuff.
I got these cute outfits for the kids. I try to get something that they can where again. I hate spending money on clothes that the kids will only wear once. I plan on the kids wearing these outfits again for pictures. I think they will turn out great.
We went to my Dad's for lunch and the kids had an egg hunt. I gave my niece and nephew the Happy Feet DVD and we watched that. It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. I didn't care for it, but the kids enjoyed it.
We stopped by Todd's parents because the Easter Bunny stopped by there too. And the neighbors two doors down got Jeremy a water gun and Zoie a bubble gun. That was really nice of them to do that. We have such great neighbors here. But that's another story for another day. I'm tired and I need to get to bed. It's early but we did to much running around this weekend and I need to catch up. 'Night.