I finally got around to getting the kids shoes. Zoie got this very cute pair of Skechers. Jeremy wanted a pair of Heelys but I could only find them on-line so they won't be here for a week or so. I even found me a cute little pair.

When I got home and told Todd we all got shoes, he asked "Where's mine?" How does he expect me to pick him out some shoes? He wouldn't like them anyways if I did.
One of Jeremy's friends is coming over to spend the night. It's a little late but they will have plently of time to play because they will probably be up past midnight. He has be bugging me to have someone come over. Jeremy's hoping Zoie is sleeping by time he gets here because he doesn't like her hanging out with him and his friends. There is a 7 year difference.
I need to finish up some laundry and pick the kitchen up. Time to give the computer a rest.
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