I got an email today that I won a $25 gift certificate from the Digi Chick Boutique. Woo Hoo! I did a layout using 2 of Sarah Jones kits and submitted it to her. I don't know how many others joined the contest. But this is just too cool none the less.
We got our Zoysia grass plugs on Thursday that we mail ordered. What a joke. We got about 13 sheets of these so called plugs. You would think that they were separate. NOPE! I had to cut them up into the little plugs. I lost feeling in my thumb (the tip is numb) and I have a huge blister on my finger from using scissors. I also have a muscle in my neck that's been hurting. I don't know how that happened. I haven't been able to sleep because it hurts too much. Aspirin doesn't seem to be working anymore. If it doesn't get better I guess I'll go see the doctor. We also got a screen door for the front door. It's really cool. The screen doesn't show unless you slide the one widow down. It rolls up inside the door when you close it.