Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pats self on back

I just love how this one turned out.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm 35 and not ashamed to say

"I want my mommy!"
I have a love hate relationship with this time of year. I enjoy it because I have my own kids but down deep I'm falling apart because my mom isn't here. Now especially that I'm going through my medical problems. Todd is there for me but nothing can compare to having the support from your mom.
I've been having a painful flare up the last few days. I don't know if it's because of the stress over the weekend or I pushed myself too much when I went shopping last Friday. So I'm taking it easy the next few days. Laying in bed and working on a LO or two that needs to be done by this weekend.
I did have a cute moment this Sunday. Zoie told me that she didn't get me a card because she couldn't drive and no money to get me one. She did make me a card. It said. .
I heart mom
Happy Mother's Day
Todd wasn't sure what I wanted for Mother's Day so we went to the store. I was told by Zoie that I couldn't go because I would see what they picked out. But I told her that daddy needs help picking out what I want so I needed to go so he would get it right. I got this cute little bird bath for the front. It's not a cement one. It's made out of hard plastic and it has flowers and a cute little bunny on the base.
And since I was feeling better last week I said I would start babysitting again. What was I thinking. . . Now this week I feel like crap. I only watch them on Fridays. I think I'll be ok for just one day a week. I'm not sure how it's going to go after I start my treatment. Hopefully I won't have the bad side effects with the medicine I'll be on.
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Take Care.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Am I a bad mom. . .

for letting my kid play outside in her jammies?

It was such a beautiful day and she couldn't wait to get outside. So I just let her run out the door without changing her clothes.