Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Time for an update

Wow, I got on here and noticed I haven't blogged in over a week. I've been busy trying to get things ready for our trip. Just a few more days and we are leaving for Disney World.
Last night was Open House. The teachers just wanted to meet up with the parents and explain how they run their classrooms with homework, tests, rules and what they expect from the kids. It was a hour and a half of heat. I talked to them to see about getting Jeremy's homework together so he can work on it when we get home. He was ticked off that he is going to miss the first field trip. They are going to Cahokia Mounds. But he's been there before and he'll be having more fun at Disney World !
We finally got some stairs on the deck. We moved them from the left side to the right. And the roof is all done. Todd got a covered roof put over the deck. It's really nice. Now we can sit outside out of the sun and I can stay dry when I bbq.
Well dinner is not going to cook itself. Just wanted to do a little update.
Take Care and I'll 'see' ya when I get back.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

1st Day of School

I got this great kit @ the Digi Chick for all those school pictures. Here's a LO I did of Jeremy walking to the bus.

He didn't do too much that day since they were only there for 3 hrs. This week they are on the heat schdule. He has to be on the bus at 6:19 and gets home at 1:45. The only really bad thing about going in a hour early is he eats lunch at 9 a.m. so he's really hungry when he comes home. He hasn't been too tired but I bet by the weeks end it will catch up with him. He can always take a nap when he gets home too.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

DNTS week 2

Here's this weeks LO:
THEME: Finish this sentance: "I wish I was/were ____" and use it as both the subject AND the title of your layout. You can be funny, serious, hopeful, regretful, anything you want! Maybe you wish you were taller, older, younger, more patient, less creative with this one!
DESIGN CHALLENGE: Use the same photo at least 3 times. Every time you use it, it must be cropped differently. Get creative with your cropping! Use large parts, tiny pieces or do a conservative crop. Anything you can dream up!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Nephews Water Party

Got a few pictures to share that I got at my nephews water party last Sunday
My nephew going down the slip 'n slide

Zoie enjoying the shade with a cookie. Big Splash
Water balloon fight.
Jeremy pulling back the sling shot with a water balloon in it.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Met Jeremy's Teachers

School had an open house kind of thing. You can go in to find your classroom, your locker and bring in your supplies. We were told the teachers wouldn't be there but they were so that was kind of nice. He's homeroom teacher is Mr. Wendel. Which is totally weird because I had him back when I was in high school. For history back in '91. He was just out of collage then I believe. We practiced his combination for his locker. You have to be rough with it to get it open. Jeremy just didn't have the umph to get it. Hopefully it won't take him long.
It was a walk down memory lane for me. The school hadn't changed a whole lot. Except then it was the high school now it's the middle school. Housing the 6th, 7th and 8th graders. I've been out of school for 16 years. I even remembered where my old locker was.

Tomorrow the TV repair guy/girl is coming. Last Thursday I was watching TV and it just died. I thought the power went out but everything else was still on. So I'm hoping it's just something simple like the on/off button.

Wednesday school starts and Zoie has her pre-k screening. Today we worked on the questionnaire they want you to fill out. Asking questions like can she throw and catch a ball, dress herself, cut, count objects etc. so they can compare notes when they test her. She did excellent on most the stuff. She had troubles unbuttoning a button, but we really haven't worked on that before. I don't really think she needs to go to pre-k but I want her to get the just of going to school, following directions and listening. Which she has be getting alittle better at. She's the type who wants to do what she's wants when she wants to.

Zoie came and decided to fall asleep on me and my right side is about to fall asleep too. So 'night and have a good rest of the week.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I submitted my LO . . .

for Digitals Next Top Scrapper.
The first challenge is to scrap one thing that drives you nuts about someone you love. It can be your partner, your kids, your roommate or even your pet!
I can't stand it when someone smacks their lips when they eat. I'm always reminding the kids but Jeremy is one I have to remind a whole lot. I about died when his friend come over for dinner one night. That boy smacked his lips so much I could hardly eat.
Time to get the kids ready for bed. Trying to get Jeremy on a earlier bed time before school starts in a week. Zoie needs to try and get to bed earlier too especially if she gets accepted into Pre-K.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Vacation Here We Come

Soon we are going to Disney World. Todd has been talking about going somewhere for vacation this year. Today he came home, called the travel agent and booked us a trip. The kids are excited, us too. We're flying down. Jeremy and I haven't been on a plane in 9 yrs. It's been awhile for Todd too. This will be Zoie's 1st plane ride. Cross your fingers for me that is goes well for her. I don't believe she could handle the 17 hr. drive there. She didn't do good on a 5 hr car ride down to my sisters. She can't sit still for too long or she get's cranky.
Now the only problem I see is not having enough memory cards. I have a 2gb (512 photos), a 512mb (only 156 photos) and a 256mb (which is not going to give me a lot of photos). I'm thinking about getting another 2gb just in case. I think I seen a 1gb 2 pack at wal-mart for cheap. This is our 1st big vacation with the kids and I want to capture everything.
Oh and I have to go outfit shopping. I don't have a whole lot of good clothes.
Have A Good Day !