Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A bunch of things to do today.

Jeremy just left for school, Zoie did wake up but went back to sleep and I'm debating on if I should get up and get ready or go back to bed for another hour or so.
Jeremy has a field trip down to the Merrimack Caverns and a dance tonight. (He's gonna be tired tomorrow) Zoie has her winter program tonight too. It will work out pretty good because Zoie's thing doesn't start until 6:30 for a hour. And the dance is from 6 to 8. We were going to go to the neighbor boys program last night but it was cancelled due to the weather. They rescheduled for tonight.
School was cancelled yesterday because we had freezing rain the night before. I couldn't go Christmas shopping either because Jeremy would have been with me. All I have to get is his stuff then I'm pretty much done with shopping. I'll have Zoie with me today though, so hopefully she'll keep her mouth shut and not tell him what he got again this year.
Well I guess I'll jump in the shower now that I'm awake. That will be good to get shopping done early so I can put Zoie down for a little nap I would hate for her to be crabby tonight.