Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh My. . .

It's been a long time since my last post.

Where to begin.

We're now a family of 4...
4 eyes that is. Both the kids went to the eye doctor and both kids need glasses. Zoie got hers the end of September and Jeremy's hasn't gotten his yet.

Had two field trips. Jeremy went to the City Museum and Zoie went to Relleke Pumpkin Farm.
They had pony rides.

face painting

petting zoo

hay ride through the pumpkin patch

That was a fun day but it very exhausting for me.

Moe got fixed. They recommend at 6 months. I just wanted to get it done before he starts marking his territory. Nothing is worse than a cat spraying except for a skunk. Now we are debating if we should get him declawed. I haven't seen him scratching on the furniture, but he is tearing up the back door screen from climbing on it. I try to clip his nails once a week to keep that down.

Zoie is going to be a Cat for Halloween. Got her the ears and tail and a black sweat suit. She 's also gonna be a penguin for the December program so that suit will be double tasking. I just have to look for some good face paint to make up her face.

Jeremy is debating on whether he's going to go trick or treating this year. I'm not sure how old is too old. He said he'll use his costume from last year if he goes.

I'm still have some issues with my RA. My blood counts are going down, but the swelling in my knees and hands are not going down. They are still a little painful, especially in the morning or when I walk for too long. I don't go back to the Rheumatologist until the middle of November.

Well, that about sums up the past month. Not a whole lot of excitement going on here.


Meems said...

oh i was wondering about the eyelgasses on Zoie from a pic on one of your recent layouts. I couldn't remember if they were new or not. Seems like lots of kids are getting eyeglasses nowadays.

You are better cat owner than I am. I keep forgetting to take Miffy to vet. Well she has been once but she needs to be spayed. I keep forgetting to take her. Plus I'm not sure we're 100% committed to keeping her. We're considering de-clawing too though. I'm not sure if that's a cruel thing to do nor not. Need to research I guess.

Sorry you are experiencing RA pain. Hope you feel better.

cute pics!

Meems said...

LOL, I am back b/c I am tagging you. Details on my blog.