Monday, January 21, 2008

No School Today

Jeremy spent the night at a friends. And Zoie hasn't been getting up too early this past week. I thought I would be able to sleep in today. Oh NO, no such luck. Todd called me at 7:30 telling me his work van got broke in to over the weekend. His personal toolbox got stolen and some copper. Heck, there are more expensive tools that they could of took, drills, saws all's that the company owns. So he was on his way to Home Depot to get new tools, about $400 worth. He can't work without them. What's weird is none of the other vans got hit. Was it a personal attack? Todd thinks so.
With some other bad news is his boss is getting sued a ton for money owed. I hope this doesn't effect his job position. Not that he wouldn't be able to find another. He is a great plumber. And I'm not just saying that because he is my boyfriend.
Well I'm off to finish up the laundry and making the beds.


Anonymous said...

Bummer for the tools, that stinks! Hope he won't get into any trouble! (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

that stinks about the tools. I'm kind of jealous you have a plumber boyfriend.

I've tagged you on my blog.