Thursday, April 5, 2007

Nothing on the list got crossed off

I was supposed to go shopping for the kids shoes today. But I had to wait around for the septic tank guy to come. Waited all day and he shows up at 5:00. For the last month we've been having trouble with it backing up in the yard. Lucky of us it hasn't been too hot. We are fighting with the builder and the guy who put it in. The house is brand new and we only been living here for 8 months. Shouldn't need to be pumped out this soon.

Isn't that just lovely. Under the square piece of concrete is the septic lid and everytime I do laundry it bubbles up. GROSS! At least it's not coming back in to the house. Something better get done soon before summer begins or no one will be playing out back. And that's the reason why we moved, so the kids have a big yard to play in. There's no grass yet but there's room to run and be free.

We just got back from Todd's parents. We went over there after dinner for cake and ice cream to celebrate his mom's 60th birthday.

Tomorrow the kids and I are going shopping for shoes for sure. Zoie has out grown all of hers and Jeremy's is just getting worn.

Time for bed. I'm tired and I need to get Zoie off the couch. 'Night.